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Clovis North Girls Basketball
How are teams decided?
Players will be placed on teams based on their grade level and what school they attend. We cannot guarantee that every player will be playing on their school team but we will try our best.
Players will stay with the same team and coach for the whole 5 weeks.
Kindergarten will be the first game starting at 8am and the rest of the grade levels will follow after. Times are TBD
Schedules with times & teams will be emailed out the week of December 27th.
What do the 5 weeks include?
Each Player will receive a nylon mesh jersey.
"Player of the game" awards handed out after each game.
20 minute fundamental clinic coached by the CNHS staff.
40 minute games coached by CNHS players.
Picture day 1/11: Free team and individual photo for each player.
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